
Elasticsearch Java - Search with should clause

I have a model for Book saved in elastic search. It has couple of attribute minimumAge and maximumAge, which determines what age the book is recommended for

I have couple of usecases for searching booking. First case is to search books by minimumAge. So suppose user searches for minimumAge 5, I have to get all the books which requires minimumAge to be 5 or those books which does not have minimumAge .

I did this using should clause and setting one minimum should clause to satisfy the query which works fine as shown below

private void addSearchByMinimumAge(ProductsFilter filter, BoolQueryBuilder rootQuery) {
    BoolQueryBuilder minAgeQuery = boolQuery();

    BoolQueryBuilder minAgeNotExistsQuery = boolQuery();

As mentioned above use case works fine.

Second use case that I am trying to achieve is to get books by age. For example if a person searches for age 5, I need all the books where

{ "name" : "Book1" , "minAge": 3 , "maxAge": 8 }
{ "name" : "Book2" , "minAge": 6 , "maxAge": 8 }
{ "name" : "Book3" , "minAge": 3 , "maxAge": 5 }
{ "name" : "Book4" , "minAge": 5 , "maxAge": 8 }
{ "name" : "Book5" }
{ "name" : "Book6" , "minAge": 3 }
{ "name" : "Book7" , "minAge": 6 }
{ "name" : "Book8" , "maxAge": 6 }
{ "name" : "Book9" , "maxAge": 4 }

In the above dataset if I pass Books 1,3,4,5,6,8 are valid book results

So I am stuck as to what would be a compact query to address this particular scenario. My first thought process is similar to first query but four should clause and matching any 1. Any pointers will be appreciated


  • You have to write each case in should clause to satisfy all the scenarios. Below elastic query will cover all your requirements -

      "query": {
        "bool": {
          "should": [
              "bool" : {
                 "must" : [
                     "range": {
                       "minAge": {
                         "lte": 5
                     "range": {
                        "maxAge": {
                          "gte": 5
              "bool": {
                "must_not": [
                    "exists": {
                      "field": "minAge"
                    "exists": {
                      "field": "maxAge"
              "bool" : {
                  "must" : [
                     "range": {
                       "minAge": {
                         "lte": 5
                      "bool" : {
                         "must_not" : {
                             "exists" : {
                                "field" : "maxAge" 
              "bool" : {
                  "must" : [
                     "range": {
                       "maxAge": {
                         "gte": 5
                      "bool" : {
                         "must_not" : {
                             "exists" : {
                                "field" : "minAge" 