
Link to a working webRTC library for Android

Google play have a new error/warning from the last days about the WebRTC library that I use. I use this library for almost a year.


My app is still available but they ask to update the library, which usually means that they will block apps with this library it in the future.

this is the message

*Error : Vulnerable WebRTC versions
Your app uses a bad version of WebRTC, which contains security vulnerabilities.*

I have changed to the library that was updated 3 months ago, implementation 'ch.threema:webrtc-android:100.0.0' but it also did not pass their security note and the warning is still there.

They ask to re-compile and use new a webRTC library link to explanation

I have tried to compile on Windows 10 - but it needs many dependencies which collide one with each other(clang/c++/different version of visual studio).

Is there a link to direct download or a gradle link (implementation)? Good tutorial will be also appreciated - until now I found only non updates ones.

enter image description here


  • The latest release notes available point to version 105

    But in this site it seems that there is also an 106 version which seem more updated!

    I also found that guy who claims to have the latest build available ie. 106!

    So you can try:
