I try to create a temporary table in PostgreSQL from the function result.
this is my funct :
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION my_funct(var_code character)
RETURNS TABLE(id bigint, name character)
LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'
SELECT Id, Name FROM tbl WHERE Code=var_code;
I Have tried some script but it doesn't work
my script is below :
create temp table #tmpTable as select my_funct('xxx');
when I ran this script it was shown an error like this ERROR: column "my_funct" has pseudo-type record
Any ideas to achieve this? All thoughts will be appreciated
When a function returns a record, or set of records, instead of a single result, use the column names that you need or a * to get them all:
create temp table #tmpTable as select * from my_funct('xxx');