I'm trying to find some codes for a few securities currently stored in a dataframe.
Frame is of the following pattern:
tibble [1x 1] (S3: tbl_df/tbl/data.frame)
$ Bloomberg Code: chr [1:6] "BondISIN1" "BondISIN2" "BondISIN3" "BondISIN4" "BondISIN5" "BondISIN6"
I want to feed these codes into a API call so I can find their BB ids as follows (bds has also been tried):
bdp(df$`Bloomberg Code`,"ID_BB")
I this and received:
Error: Duplicated securities submitted.
I tried:
for(isin in 1:length(df$`Bloomberg Code`)){
thing[[isin]] <- bdp(df$`Bloomberg Code`,
overrides = periods[isin, ]
And got the same issue. Does anyone have any ideas on how to fix this?
Seems the best way to do it is by:
bdp(unique(df$`Bloomberg Code`), "ID_BB")