I'm trying to create a REST cartridge to expose API for getting my custom business component (WarehouseBO in this case). I have based my code on this guide - Guide - Create a New Storefront REST Resource and have created cartridge app_sf_rest_warehouse and in it WarehouseResource which has several dependencies but whenever I try to make a REST call it throws and error and in the logs it says there was no object available for injection (I have tried injecting CurrentApplicationBOProvider and LocaleMgr):
Lookup and initialization failed for a resource class: class com.luminoslabs.warehouse.rest.capi.WarehouseResource. org.glassfish.hk2.api.MultiException:
A MultiException has 1 exceptions. They are:
1. org.glassfish.hk2.api.UnsatisfiedDependencyException:
There was no object available for injection at
The URL I'm trying is: http://localhost:8080/INTERSHOP/rest/WFS/inSPIRED-inTRONICS_Business-Site/-/warehouses
All of the following code artifacts are from app_sf_rest_warehouse
<components xmlns="http://www.intershop.de/component/2010">
<fulfill requirement="selectedCartridge" of="intershop.SMBResponsive.Cartridges" value="app_sf_rest_warehouse"/>
<components xmlns="http://www.intershop.de/component/2010">
<!-- Way where you attach your new resource to existing REST API root -->
<fulfill requirement="subResource" of="intershop.B2BWebShop.RESTAPI.root">
<instance name="intershop.B2BWebShop.RESTAPI.WarehouseResource" with="WarehouseResource">
<fulfill requirement="name" value="warehouses" />
<fulfill requirement="resourceACLCartridge" value="app_sf_rest_warehouse" of="intershop.B2BWebShop.RESTAPI.AuthorizationService"/>
<components xmlns="http://www.intershop.de/component/2010">
<implementation name="WarehouseResource" implements="AbstractRestResource" class="com.luminoslabs.warehouse.rest.capi.WarehouseResource">
<requires name="subResource" contract="RestResource" cardinality="0..n" />
<requires name="name" contract="String" cardinality="1..1" />
@Tag(name = "Warehouse")
@OpenAPIDefinition( info = @Info(version = "1.0.0"))
public class WarehouseResource extends AbstractRestResource implements RestResource
private CurrentApplicationBOProvider currentApplicationBOProvider;*/
private LocaleMgr localeMgr;
public WarehouseResource()
summary = "Returns the list of warehouses."
responseCode = "200",
description = "The list of warehouses.",
content = {@Content(
schema = @Schema(
implementation = Collection.class
), @ApiResponse(
responseCode = "401",
ref = "401"
public Response getWarehouses()
//final WarehouseBORepository warehouseBORepository = currentApplicationBOProvider.get().getRepository(WarehouseBORepository.EXTENSION_ID);
final Collection<WarehouseBO> warehouseBOs = null; //warehouseBORepository.getAllWarehouseBOs();
final Collection<WarehouseRO> warehouseROs = Optional.ofNullable(warehouseBOs).map( warehouses -> warehouses.stream().map( warehouse -> new WarehouseRO(warehouse) ).collect(Collectors.toList()) ).orElse(new ArrayList<>(0));
return Response.ok(warehouseROs).build();
It works if you use @com.google.inject.Inject
instead of @javax.inject.Inject
This answer is based on one given by @Johannes Metzner and his video (the important part is around 13:54)
EDIT: The whole cookbook for this video is Cookbook - REST Framework (Guice Based)