
How to publish a test source folder using ivy?

In my project I have two separate source folders - /src where the code is and /test for mock and test objects.

On top of the standard jar (from /src) that ivy successfully publishes for my project I would like to publish another artifact through ivy that only includes the objects in the /test folder in order to be able to share these mock objects with other projects.

Can someone please provide an ivy configuration to support this?


  • 1- You need to build a test-jar from the test-folder, lets call it project-test.jar

    <javac destdir="build/test" srcdir="test/">
          <classpath refid="test.classpath" />
    <jar destfile="dist/project-test.jar" 

    2- Define an artifact in your ivy.xml

        <artifact name="project" type="jar"  conf="default" ext="jar"/>
        <artifact name="project-test" type="jar" conf="test  ext="jar"/>

    3- Publish

        <!-- Alle Artifacts für compile mit dem jars resolver publishen -->
            <artifacts pattern="dist/[artifact]-[revision].[type]" />