I have a large dataset (think: big data) of network elements that form a tree-like network.
A toy dataset looks like this:
| id | type | parent_id |
| 1 | D | <NA> |
| 2 | C | 1 |
| 3 | C | 2 |
| 4 | C | 3 |
| 5 | B | 3 |
| 6 | B | 4 |
| 7 | A | 4 |
| 8 | A | 5 |
| 9 | A | 3 |
Important rules:
What I would like to achieve is to build an efficient way (preferably in Spark) to calculate the tree-path for each node, like so:
| id | type | parent_id | path |
| 1 | D | <NA> | D:1 |
| 2 | C | 1 | D:1>C:2 |
| 3 | C | 2 | D:1>C:2>C:3 |
| 4 | C | 3 | D:1>C:2>C:3>C:4 |
| 5 | B | 3 | D:1>C:2>C:3>B:5 |
| 6 | B | 4 | D:1>C:2>C:3>C:4>B:6 |
| 7 | A | 4 | D:1>C:2>C:3>C:4>A:7 |
| 8 | A | 5 | D:1>C:2>C:3>B:5>A:8 |
| 9 | A | 3 | D:1>C:2>C:3>A:9 |
Each element in the tree path is constructed like this: id:type
If you have other efficient ways to store the tree path (e.g., closure tables) and calculate them, I am happy to hear them as well. However, the runtime for calculation must be really low (less than an hour, preferably minutes) and retrieval later needs to be in the area of few seconds.
The ultimate end goal is to have a data structure that allows me to aggregate any network node underneath a certain node efficiently (runtime of a few seconds at most).
The actual dataset consisting of around 3M nodes can be constructed like this:
import random
import pandas as pd
node_counts = {'A': 1424383, 'B': 596994, 'C': 234745, 'D': 230937, 'E': 210663, 'F': 122859, 'G': 119453, 'H': 57462, 'I': 23260, 'J': 15008, 'K': 10666, 'L': 6943, 'M': 6724, 'N': 2371, 'O': 2005, 'P': 385}
#node_counts = {'A': 3, 'B': 2, 'C': 3, 'D': 1}
elements = list()
candidates = list()
root_type = list(node_counts.keys())[-1]
leaf_type = list(node_counts.keys())[0]
root_counts = node_counts[root_type]
leaves_count = node_counts[leaf_type]
ids = [i + 1 for i in range(sum(node_counts.values()))]
idcounter = 0
for i, (name, count) in enumerate(sorted(node_counts.items(), reverse=True)):
for _ in range(count):
_id = ids[idcounter]
idcounter += 1
_type = name
if i == 0:
_parent = None
# select a random one that is not a root or a leaf
if len(candidates) == 0: # first bootstrap case
candidate = random.choice(elements)
candidate = random.choice(candidates)
_parent = candidate['id']
_obj = {'id': _id, 'type': _type, 'parent_id': _parent}
if _type != root_type and _type != leaf_type:
df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(elements).astype({'parent_id': 'Int64'})
In order to produce the tree path in pure python with the above toy data you can use the following function:
def get_hierarchy_path(df, cache_dict, ID='id', LABEL = 'type', PARENT_ID = 'parent_id', node_sep='|', elem_sep=':'):
def get_path(record):
if pd.isna(record[PARENT_ID]):
return f'{record[LABEL]}{elem_sep}{record[ID]}'
if record[PARENT_ID] in cache_dict:
parent_path = cache_dict[record[PARENT_ID]]
parent_path = get_path(df.query(f'{ID} == {record[PARENT_ID]}').iloc[0])
except IndexError as e:
print(f'Index Miss for {record[PARENT_ID]} on record {record.to_dict()}')
parent_path = f'{record[LABEL]}{elem_sep}{record[ID]}'
cache_dict[record[PARENT_ID]] = parent_path
return f"{parent_path}{node_sep}{record[LABEL]}{elem_sep}{record[ID]}"
return df.apply(get_path, axis=1)
df['path'] = get_hierarchy_path(df, dict(), node_sep='>')
What I have already tried:
package, I could use BFS. This would give me a good solution for individual leave nodes, but it does not scale to the entire network.Thank you for your help.
My current solution for this challenge relies now no longer on Spark but on SQL. I load the whole dataset to a Postgres DB and place a Unique Index on id, type and parent_id.
Then using the following query, I can calculate the path:
with recursive recursive_hierarchy AS (
-- starting point
, id
, type
, type || ':' || id as path
, 1 as lvl
from hierarchy.nodes
union all
-- recursion
ne.parent_id as parent_id
, h.id
, h.type
, ne.type || ':' || ne.id || '|' || h.path as path
, h.lvl + 1 as lvl
from (
select *
from hierarchy.nodes
) ne
inner join recursive_hierarchy h
on ne.id = h.parent_id
), paths as (
-- complete results
from recursive_hierarchy
), max_lvl as (
-- retrieve the longest path of a network element
, max(lvl) as max_lvl
from paths
group by id
-- all results with only the longest path of a network element
select distinct
, p.id
, p.type
, p.path
from paths p
inner join max_lvl l
on p.id = l.id
and p.lvl = l.max_lvl