TL;DR: We have a master branch,from which a pbi(feature) branch is created, each single author has their own task branch from the pbi. merge squash into the pbi (PR), and merge the pbi into master (PR).
Create a PBI with relevant description and acceptance conditions.
When actual work is started for a PBI, create a branch with master
as target branch, and naming convention features/123-my-feature-name
, assign for code / product review and QA, and move to the Resolved state.master
. This will close the PBI and move it to the Done state.tasks/123-my-task-name
.You are squash-merging. A squash-merge commit can only reference a single author. The squash-merge commit is created by GitLab at the time of merging through the GitLab UI. This will use the author information from the current user session, which seems to be the release manager in your process.
To keep the original authors of each line, do not create squash commits. Instead, use a real merge and keep the history of the single commits (each with separate author information).