I have a React app from which I want to upload videos to the account of the logged in user. I have successfully done this retrieving tokens manually and calling the API but can't find a way to log in using the JS SDK in my React app.
I present the user with a button for log in:
function (response) {
if (response.session) {
// user successfully logged in
} else {
// user cancelled login
client_id: my_id,
scope: "read write",
response_type: "code"
The login popup appears, I log in and get sent to the callback url. However, refreshing the original site, or the callback popup, still shows as no session and without login. I check with:
status === 'ready' &&
window.DM.getLoginStatus(function (response) {
if (response.session) {
// logged in and connected user, someone you know
} else {
// no user session available, someone you dont know
and I always get { status: "unknown", session: null }
Loading the SDK is handled with a hook const status = useScript('https://api.dmcdn.net/all.js')
Do I need to handle something manually from the callback page? Isn't the SDK supposed to handle it in the background? I would appreciate some insights on what I might be doing wrong.
As always, I spent hours trying to find a solution and, as soon as I post, I find it:
Client_id and response_type must not be passed in DM.login.
Instead, you have to pass the API key in DM.Init, like so:
useEffect(() => {
status === 'ready' &&
apiKey: '123456789',
status: true, // check login status
cookie: true // enable cookies to allow the server to access the session
This brings up the popup and after inputting the credentials the SDK correctly detects the session, closing the popup and authing the user.