I have a encryptor and decryptor function in my code as you can see below, it encrypts and decrypts a plain string using same algorithm Rijndael-js
with the help of crypto
and PKCS7-Padding
packages. The encryptor function is working fine but a decryptor function should give me the original plain string which was encrypted with encryptor function.
Here is my code
import RijndaelManaged from 'rijndael-js'
import padder from 'pkcs7-padding'
import crypto from 'crypto'
let plainText, padded, keyData, ivData, cipher, encryptedData
const encryptor = async () => {
plainText = Buffer.from('Here is my plain text', 'utf8')
padded = padder.pad(plainText, 32)
keyData = crypto.randomBytes(32)
ivData = crypto.randomBytes(32)
cipher = new RijndaelManaged(keyData, 'cbc')
encryptedData = cipher.encrypt(padded, 256, ivData)
const decryptor = () => {
const key = keyData
const iv = ivData
const encrypted = encryptedData
const decipher = new RijndaelManaged(key, 'cbc')
const decryptedPadded = decipher.decrypt(encrypted, 256, iv)
const decrypted = padder.unpad(decryptedPadded, 32)
const clearText = decrypted.toString('utf-8')
Output of encryptor function
246, 222, 109, 114, 198, 100, 11, 68,
181, 180, 9, 250, 188, 228, 215, 150,
48, 141, 225, 32, 0, 118, 98, 54,
235, 104, 196, 1, 146, 229, 122, 137
Output of decryptor function
Expected output of decryptor function
Here is my plain text
I tried to console.log
the typeof
clearText variable it was string
const clearText = Buffer.from(decrypted).toString()