I got multiple accounts: "userWithCertainRole", "userWithAnotherRole" & "userWithTwoRoles". I want to functional test a specific page for all these accounts with certain roles. The functional test is the same for all the accounts, so I don't want to duplicate the code or make multiple php files. Is there any way to loop through those three accounts in one functional test?
* @var string|null
protected ?string $account = 'userWithCertainRole';
* @param FunctionalTester $I
public function page(FunctionalTester $I)
$I->dontSee('You cannot access this page with this role');
$I->see('Page header');
Use data provider as in PHPUnit, or Codeception specific Example anotation/attribute for providing data to test method.
See https://codeception.com/docs/AdvancedUsage#Examples-Attribute
* @dataProvider getRoles
public function page(FunctionalTester $I, Example $example)
$this->login($example['username'], $example['password']);
protected function getRoles(): array
// keys make test output easier to understand
return [
'userWithRole1' => ['username' => 'username1', 'password' => 'password1'],
'userWithRole2' => ['username' => 'username2', 'password' => 'password2'],
'userWithRole3' => ['username' => 'username3', 'password' => 'password3'],