I am using Python to send a http GET request to extract the contacts associated with a segment. The segment for example called "Test Segment" which has a unique identifier "a1-b2-c3".
Below is a fetchXML query I am using:
<fetch mapping="logical" output-format="xml-platform" version="1.0" page="1" count="5000" paging-cookie="">
<entity name="contact">
<attribute name="fullname"/>
<attribute name="contactid"/>
<attribute name="emailaddress1"/>
<attribute name = "btp_contacttypeid"/>
<order attribute="fullname" descending="false"/>
<link-entity name="msdyncrm_segment" from="msdyncrm_segmentid" to="msdyncrm_segmentmemberid" alias="bb">
<attribute name="msdyncrm_segmentname" />
<filter type="and">
<condition attribute="msdyncrm_segmentid" operator="eq" uitype="msdyncrm_segment" value="a1-b2-c3"/>
I get the following output:
_odata_etag | fullname | contactid | emailaddress1 | btp_contacttypeid |
W/"83" | Adam Jame | xxxxx | adam@test.com | 742e3888 |
I believe fetchXML automatically removes the null values columns. Technically it is not null but not sure why it returns null Expected Output:
_odata_etag | fullname | contactid | emailaddress1 | btp_contacttypeid | msdyncrm_segmentname |
W/"83" | Adam Jame | xxxxx | adam@test.com | 742e3888 | Test Segment |
Can you please help with the following problem?
This problem occurs in two diffrent scenario
When you execute query over dynamics crm sdk, attribute with null value does not exist in entity. Same problem occurs when user does not have a permission to field.