
Can graphene resolver return Float instead of String for django Decimal field?

Graphene's resolver returns my django model Decimal field as a string (e.g. "8.33" instead of 8.33). I want to receive it as a float. Is there some way to do this?

My code is as follows:

class Toy(models.Model):
    name = models.CharField(max_length=50)
    price = models.DecimalField()

class ToyType(DjangoObjectType):
    class Meta:
        model = Toy
        fields = ('name', 'price')

class ToyQuery(graphene.ObjectType):
    first_toy = graphene.Field(ToyType)
    def resolve_first_toy(self, info):
        return Toy.objects.first()

And my query and result are:




    "data": {
         "name": "BuzzLighYear",
         "price": "19.95"


Instead, I would like to receive:

    "data": {
         "name": "BuzzLighYear",
         "price": 19.95


Do I have to write a custom resolver for the price field, or is there a more elegant way to do this with a setting?


  • It turns out you do not have to write a customer resolver, but instead can just declare the type of the Django field, like so:

    class ToyType(DjangoObjectType):
        price = graphene.Float()
        class Meta:
            model = Toy
            fields = ('name', 'price')

    In this way, the resolver will return price as a Float. If you do not explicitly declare the type, the graphene default is to return the django Decimal field as a string.