
how to report exp(coefs) of a coxph regression with stargazer

Say I have my.model

My.model <- coxph(Surv(stop, event) ~ (rx + size + number) * strata(enum),
      cluster = id, bladder1)

I would like to create a model report table which contains exp(coefs) instead of coefs


is there a parameter like exponentiate = TRUE which would report exp(coefs) instead of coefs?, or I need to transform the model results before passing to stargazer()?


  • In order to get exponentiated coeficients, need to add parameters apply.coef = exp, = FALSE, = FALSE.

    My.model <- coxph(Surv(stop, event) ~ rx + size + number,
                      cluster = id, bladder)

    Original Model untransformed coeffs

    stargazer(My.model, align=TRUE, 
              type="text",  digits = 3)
                             Dependent variable:    
    rx                             -0.540*          
    size                           -0.055           
    number                        0.193***          
    Observations                     340            
    R2                              0.064           
    Max. Possible R2                0.971           
    Log Likelihood                -588.104          
    Wald Test                12.510*** (df = 3)     
    LR Test                  22.321*** (df = 3)     
    Score (Logrank) Test     25.183*** (df = 3)     
    Note: se in parenthesis *p<0.1; **p<0.05; ***p<0.01

    Use the parameter apply.coef = exp to exponentiate.

    stargazer(My.model, align=TRUE, apply.coef = exp,
              type="text",  digits = 3)
                             Dependent variable:    
    rx                            0.583***          
    size                          0.947***          
    number                        1.213***          
    Observations                     340            
    R2                              0.064           
    Max. Possible R2                0.971           
    Log Likelihood                -588.104          
    Wald Test                12.510*** (df = 3)     
    LR Test                  22.321*** (df = 3)     
    Score (Logrank) Test     25.183*** (df = 3)     
    Note: se in parenthesis *p<0.1; **p<0.05; ***p<0.01

    However, as you can see, the stars are providing misleading inference, because t.stat = coef/se, however, in this case exponentiated coefs are being used as the numerator to compute the t stats and p values.


    Solution is to add parameters = FALSE and = FALSE this will allows to use the original coefficients to compute the t.stats and p.values of the model.

    stargazer(My.model, align=TRUE, 
              type="text", apply.coef = exp, = FALSE, 
     = FALSE, digits = 3)
                             Dependent variable:    
    rx                             0.583*           
    size                            0.947           
    number                        1.213***          
    Observations                     340            
    R2                              0.064           
    Max. Possible R2                0.971           
    Log Likelihood                -588.104          
    Wald Test                12.510*** (df = 3)     
    LR Test                  22.321*** (df = 3)     
    Score (Logrank) Test     25.183*** (df = 3)     
    Note: se in parenthesis *p<0.1; **p<0.05; ***p<0.01

    Moreover, to avoid confusion with your reader, you may report t.stats or pvalues instead of standard errors.

    stargazer(My.model, align=TRUE, 
              type="text", apply.coef = exp, = FALSE, 
     = FALSE, digits = 3, report=('vc*p'))
                             Dependent variable:    
    rx                             0.583*           
                                  p = 0.070         
    size                            0.947           
                                  p = 0.535         
    number                        1.213***          
                                  p = 0.005         
    Observations                     340            
    R2                              0.064           
    Max. Possible R2                0.971           
    Log Likelihood                -588.104          
    Wald Test                12.510*** (df = 3)     
    LR Test                  22.321*** (df = 3)     
    Score (Logrank) Test     25.183*** (df = 3)     
    Note:                *p<0.1; **p<0.05; ***p<0.01