
SAPUI5 binding OData v4

I'm currently using OData v4 requests from my CAP app, and the problem is how to bind my Entity requested data in my Simple Form.

The user must input a Workspace code, and Search for its values. Please, how do I bind and display my Workspace name and description values to my Simple Form fields to be displayed on screen?

Workspace CAP entity data:

"@odata.context": "$metadata#Workspace/$entity",
"name": "Projeto Compra de Material Escritorio",
"description": "",
"projectState": "Active",
"testProject": "false",
"version": "Original",
"baseLanguage": "pt"

in the onInit app function

                let oModel = new sap.ui.model.odata.v4ODataModel({
                    groupId : "$auto",
                    synchronizationMode : "None",
                    serviceUrl : "/myCAP_URL/"

in my press event button

                let oModel = this.getView().getModel();
                let oContextBinding = oModel.bindContext(`/Workspace/${workspaceId}`);
                oContextBinding.requestObject("name").then(function (sName) {
                    if (!sName) {
                        oContextBinding.getBoundContext().setProperty("name", "No name");

Finally, that`s my Simple Form fields (XML)

            <Button id="button0" press="onPress" text="Search"/>
            <f:SimpleForm editable="true" layout="ResponsiveGridLayout" id="form0">
                    <sap.ui.core:Title text="{description}" id="title2"/>
                    <Label text="Name" id="label0"/>
                    <Input width="30%" id="input0" value="{name}"/>

                    <Label text="Language" id="label1"/>
                    <Input width="30%" id="input2" value="{baseLanguage}"/>



  • I've managed to bind and display data, based on this piece of code. I`ve just made some adjustments.

    oContextBinding.requestObject("name").then(function(sName) {
      if (!sName) {
        oContextBinding.getBoundContext().setProperty("name", "No name");