Is there a way to run a script in a sandbox environment to not pollute global state, but still be able to require"someluafile" in which global vars get set for said environment and NOT the global state
-- main script
local moduleXY = require"moduleXY"
v = 0
-- moduleXY
local function setV ()
v = 42
local moduleXY = {
setV = setV
return moduleXY
so that after the call the states v is nil and envs v is set to 42 (instead of state v being 42 and envs 0)
luajit (so 5.1), cpp binding sol3
Lua 5.1 uses setfenv
to change the environment of a function. Here's an example.
local moduleXY = require"moduleXY"
v = 0
env = setmetatable({}, {__index = _G}) -- create an environment
setfenv(moduleXY.setV, env) -- change the environment
print(v) -- 0
print(env.v) -- 42
setfenv(moduleXY.setV, _G) -- revert the environment
print(v) -- 42
To change the environment of the current thread use setfenv(0)
setfenv(0, env) -- this doesn't affect loaded functions
local moduleXY = require"moduleXY" -- module is loaded in 'env' environment
print(env.v) -- 42
setfenv(0, getfenv()) -- revert the thread environment
require"othermodule" -- load other module in default environment