I need to bulk update about 2000+ users in Acumatica (ie: Guest access users). I need to assign a new role to all of these user to support a new custom integration.
I am looking for a solution using either the Rest API or some sort of Excel bulk Import/Update that assigns the roles.
I have not had much luck working with UserRoles via the Rest API. I have only been able to download the users > user roles via a generic inquiry and ODATA. So far I have not found any documentation around this. Any guidance would be appreciated!
REST Api is not really the best tool for this job. It doesn't contain an endpoint for Users (needs to be extended) and is a bit hard to use for complex logic. There isn't an Excel import mechanism either (outside import scenarios).
I would suggest to create a Customization Plugin for this task instead. They can be created in Acumatica customization project editor with a new CODE file:
A customization plugin is a script that is executed when you publish the customization. I tested the following code which assign Portal User role to all guest users as an example.
using System;
using PX.Data;
using Customization;
using PX.SM;
using PX.EP;
using System.Linq;
namespace UpdateUserRoles
public class UpdateUserRoles : CustomizationPlugin
public override void UpdateDatabase()
const string roleNameToAssign = "Portal User";
AccessUsers accessUsers = PXGraph.CreateInstance<AccessUsers>();
// For each users in the system
foreach (Users user in accessUsers.UserList.Select())
// Modify only guest users
if (user.Guest != true)
// Set current user
accessUsers.UserList.Current = user;
// Assign role
EPLoginTypeAllowsRole role = (EPLoginTypeAllowsRole)accessUsers.AllowedRoles.Select().RowCast<EPLoginTypeAllowsRole>()
.Where(x => x.Rolename.Contains(roleNameToAssign)).FirstOrDefault();
role.Selected = true;
WriteLog("User " + user.Username + " updated.");
catch (Exception ex)
WriteLog("Error: " + ex.Message);