I'm trying to insert a company logo image on a HTML report generated with Quarto
from RStudio
My report template is the following
title: "Report Title"
subtitle: "Report subtitle"
author: "Name and Sruname"
date: last-modified
date-format: "DD-MM-YYYY"
description: "Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text "
title-block-banner: true
embed-resources: true
smooth-scroll: true
theme: cosmo
fontcolor: black
toc: true
toc-location: left
toc-title: Summary
toc-depth: 3
```{r sesPackages, results='hide', message=FALSE, warning=FALSE, echo=FALSE}
library(tidyverse, verbose = F, quietly = T)
library(knitr, verbose = F, quietly = T)
library(kableExtra, verbose = F, quietly = T)
library(tinytex, verbose = F, quietly = T)
```{r qrtOptions, echo=FALSE, cache=FALSE}
knitr::opts_chunk$set(cache = FALSE)
# Report contents
diamonds %>%
group_by(cut, color) %>% count() %>%
pivot_wider(names_from = color, values_from = n) %>%
rename(Cut = cut) %>%
kable(format.args = list(decimal.mark = ',', big.mark = "."), caption = "From Diamonds data frame") %>%
kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped", "hover", "condensed", "responsive"), full_width = T, position = "left", fixed_thead = T)
From the answers provided for this question Insert a logo in upper right corner of R markdown html document I've tried to follow some responses but all place the image on the ID=quarto-document-content
The answers also provide also some simple tricks to move the image like style = 'position:absolute; top:0; right:0; padding:10px;'
but do not work fine when the responsiveness of the HTML is a requirement.
There is a way (also using a custom CSS) to place an image at the left of the title saving the HTML responsiveness?
Maybe this helps? Assuming your logo is in the folder "images", here exemplatory the rstudio logo, we add a styles.css file:
.quarto-title-block .quarto-title-banner {
background-image: url(images/rstudio_logo.png);
background-size: 300px;
background-position: left;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
padding-left: 10px;
background-origin: content-box;
And change the yaml to
title: "Report Title"
subtitle: "Report subtitle"
author: "Name and Sruname"
date: last-modified
date-format: "DD-MM-YYYY"
description: "Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text "
title-block-banner: "#27445C"
embed-resources: true
smooth-scroll: true
theme: cosmo
fontcolor: black
toc: true
toc-location: left
toc-title: Summary
toc-depth: 3
css: styles.css