
How to pass an SQL function on bulk insert query in node

I have to execute an INSERT INTO query using mysql or mysql2 in node.js
The values passed into the query utilizes a spatial geometry function ST_GeomFromGeoJSON() on geoMap column which is of type GEOMETRY.

Here is the simplified code:

const insertQuery = `INSERT INTO maps (name, geoMap) VALUES ?`;
const insertData = [];

geoMapList.forEach((geoMap) => {
    `ST_GeomFromGeoJSON(${JSON.stringify(}, 2)`

this.connection.query(insertQuery, [insertData]);

The above code does not work and throws the error
Cannot get geometry object from data you send to the GEOMETRY field

I believe this is because the ST_GeomFromGeoJSON() is not parsed as a function but as a string by MySQL.

How can this be resolved?


  • You can't put MySQL function calls in the parameter array, that data is all treated as literals.

    Call the function in the SQL, with the JSON string as its parameter.

    I don't think you can use node-mysql's bulk-insert for this, though, so you'll need to insert each row separately.

    const insertQuery = `INSERT INTO maps(name, geoMap) VALUES (?, ST_GeomFromGeoJSON(?))`
    geoMapList.forEach((geomap) => 
        this.connection.query(insertQuery, [, JSON.stringify(])

    To avoid calling query() thousands of times, you can put multiple values lists in the query.

    const values = Array(geoMapList.length).fill('(?, ST_GeomFromGeoJSON(?))).join(',');
    const insertQuery = `INSERT INTO maps(name, geoMap) VALUES ${values}`;
    const params = geoMapList.flatMap(({name, map}) => [name, JSON.stringify(map)]);
    this.connection.query(insertquery, params);

    Since this will create a very long INSERT query, make sure you increase the MySQL max_allowed_packet setting. You can also split geoMapList into smaller batches, rather than doing everything in a single query.