This is a follow-up to this Dynamic change in vtree within shiny: How to deselect
With this code below, I try to switch the arguments prunesmaller
and prunebigger
of the vtree
package. I am quite sure to do this with an if
but I am not able to fix it:
In general I want to know how to tweak any argument of any function depending on a radiobutton in r shiny:
Here is my code so far:
# Define UI ----
ui <- pageWithSidebar(
# App title ----
headerPanel("Cyl vtree"),
# Sidebar panel for inputs ----
radioButtons("smaller_bigger", h3("Prune smaller or bigger?"), choices = c("smaller", "bigger"), inline = TRUE),
sliderInput(inputId = "prune", label = "Number to prune?", step = 10, min = 0, max = 100, value = 0),
selectizeInput("level", label = "Level", choices = NULL, multiple=TRUE),
# This line is the only change from the original code
selectizeInput("values", label= "Values", choices = NULL, multiple=TRUE),
# Main panel for displaying outputs ----
# Define server logic to plot ----
server <- function(input, output,session) {
df <- reactiveVal(mtcars)
vector <- c("cyl","vs", "am","gear")
updateSelectizeInput(session, "level", choices = colnames(df()[vector]), selected = NULL)
updateSelectizeInput(session, "values", choices = unique(df()$cyl))
output[["VTREE"]] <- renderVtree({
vtree(df(), c(input$level),
sameline = TRUE,
prunesmaller = input$prune
} else
(input$smaller_bigger == "bigger"){
prunebigger = input$prune
shinyApp(ui, server)
In essence I try to handle this part of the code:
prunesmaller = input$prune
} else
(input$smaller_bigger == "bigger"){
prunebigger = input$prune
It should do:
If radiobutton smaller
is choosen then the argument should be prunesmaller == input$prune
(where input$prune
comes from the sliderinput)
If I replace the if
part by prunesmaller = input$prune
the code works but only with prunesmaller:
The way you use the if
will not work to set the functions argument. Instead use a single if
for each argument, e.g. prunesmaller = if (input$smaller_bigger == "smaller") input$prune
Note: Maybe I missed something, but I got an error when trying to set prunebigger
and according to the docs there is no prunebigger
# Define UI ----
ui <- pageWithSidebar(
# App title ----
headerPanel("Cyl vtree"),
# Sidebar panel for inputs ----
radioButtons("smaller_bigger", h3("Prune smaller or bigger?"), choices = c("smaller", "bigger"), inline = TRUE),
sliderInput(inputId = "prune", label = "Number to prune?", step = 10, min = 0, max = 100, value = 0),
selectizeInput("level", label = "Level", choices = NULL, multiple = TRUE),
# This line is the only change from the original code
selectizeInput("values", label = "Values", choices = NULL, multiple = TRUE),
# Main panel for displaying outputs ----
# Define server logic to plot ----
server <- function(input, output, session) {
df <- reactiveVal(mtcars)
vector <- c("cyl", "vs", "am", "gear")
updateSelectizeInput(session, "level", choices = colnames(df()[vector]), selected = NULL)
updateSelectizeInput(session, "values", choices = unique(df()$cyl))
output[["VTREE"]] <- renderVtree({
vtree(df(), c(input$level),
sameline = TRUE,
follow = list(cyl = input$values),
prunesmaller = if (input$smaller_bigger == "smaller") input$prune
#prunebigger = if (input$smaller_bigger == "bigger") input$prune
shinyApp(ui, server)