
Is it necessary to use StateNotifier even if there is only one value and no method?

If there is only one value and no method, do we still need to use StateNotifier as follows? Or is there a simpler mechanism?

Since this value is rewritten and referenced from the outside, the corresponding function must be included in the ChangeNotifier's notifyListeners();.

class BoolNotifier extends StateNotifier<bool> {
  BoolNotifier() : super(false);

final isA = StateNotifierProvider<BoolNotifier, bool>(
  (ref) => BoolNotifier(),

final isB = StateNotifierProvider<BoolNotifier, bool>(
  (ref) => BoolNotifier(),


  • You may use StateProvider:

    final boolProvider = StateProvider<bool>((ref) => true);
    final isA = Provider<bool>(
      (ref) => ref.watch(boolProvider),
    final isB = Provider<bool>(
      (ref) => ref.watch(boolProvider),

    You can change the state like this:

    ref.read(boolProvider.notifier).update((state) => !state);
    // or so
    ref.read(boolProvider.notifier).state = newValue;