
Is it impossible to make an electron app MSI installer that is perMachine and not perUser?

I need to make an MSI from an electron app to bundle with another MSI that is also set to per machine and not per user. It appears this combination of things does not exist.

Electron-Builder squirrelWindows: Allows for MSI creation with squirrelWindows and setting msi boolean to true, but there is no perMachine option. https://www.electron.build/configuration/squirrel-windows

Electron-Builder NSIS: Has the perMachine option but not for MSIs obviously. https://www.electron.build/configuration/nsis

Electron-Wix-MSI: Creates MSI, but do not see ability to change the perMachine flag. https://github.com/felixrieseberg/electron-wix-msi

Windows-installer: Creates MSI, no option for perMachine https://github.com/electron/windows-installer


These pull request changes on electron-wix-msi fixed my problem: https://github.com/felixrieseberg/electron-wix-msi/pull/138


  • I made a pull request/branch on electron-wix-msi tailored to fix my problems: https://github.com/felixrieseberg/electron-wix-msi/pull/138