
SAS Enterprise Guide export as step in process path selection

As part of the SAS Enterprise Guide export as a step in process the outhput file location is very tedious to select. Is there any faster way to do it than clicking through all the folders on my harddrive for every export. The path is shown but I am not able to edit the path or paste a path here:

enter image description here

And when i press browse I am still not able to paste a path: enter image description here

Am I doing something wrong, missing a setting or is there some kind of workaround.

Temporary question to Joe: Like this? enter image description here


  • Here is the most basic example of a macro, that can export your tables as excel files:

    %macro ExportExcel(path,file_name,tab_name);
    proc export data=&tab_name

    You can just paste your path, or better yet, make it a macro variable using %let statement.

    But depending on your needs you can make this macro way more complicated. You can put more than one table into a single .xlsx file on different sheets, using a sheet statement. You can export every table from a whole library. It really depends on what you want.