I've updated my version of Python to 3.11, but Terminal is printing different versions, depending on what command I enter.
Entering python3 --version
prints Python 3.9.13
Entering python --version
prints Python 3.9.6
When I go to the actual Python framework, I can see that 3.11 is installed and is the current version, per the shortcut there. There are multiple versions of Python--Python 3.7, 3.8, etc.--there; perhaps this is the issue.
I've looked into uninstalling some or all versions of Python, but I worry that will just make it worse--I'm not the most experienced programmer.
I've also tried adding an alias to the .zshrc file per other posts, but it didn't work. I did save the file correctly, for what it's worth. Any advice is appreciated.
macOS Ventura 13.0
Fix: I created a new user on my computer, which isn't a true fix, but it allowed me to bypass this issue (messy PATH) with relative ease.
I think you might be missing some foundational knowledge about how versions are selected from a terminal.
You'll want to do some learning about PATH environment variable and how that relates to python versions. https://www.tutorialspoint.com/python/python_environment.htm#:~:text=The%20path%20is%20stored%20in,sensitive%3B%20Windows%20is%20not). The path that you're using is probably going to one version of python in your terminal but you have settings in whatever program you are using for the "python framework" is pointing to a different version. Also look a little into .bashrc and .zshrc files
Python environments can be a bit annoying to manage at times. I'd recommend reading about pyenv and anaconda so that you can manage them.
Good luck :)
TLDR: Make sure your path for the terminal you are using is pointing to the correct location for the python version installation you want to use.