I am trying to build API for login into my Laravel site from an external JavaScript.
I used Breeze starter kit for Authentication.
In the JavaScript, first it calls an API for getting login_token, then make a request to login with the token. (Yes, I am not using the token for header, using it as parameter to get User instance.)
So, my api controller, I did this.
public function setLogin(Request $request)
$validateResult = $this->authValidate($request);
if (!empty($validateResult)) return response()->json($validateResult, 401);
$instance = \Laravel\Sanctum\PersonalAccessToken::findToken($request->login_token);
if (empty($instance)) {
return response()
->json(['code' => '0', 'msg' => 'failed'], 401);
$user = User::where('id', $instance->tokenable_id)->firstOrFail();
// $request->session()->regenerate();
return response()
->json(['code' => '1', 'msg' => 'Hi '.$user->mem_id.', welcome']);
On the JS console, I get code 1 with the success message with currect mem_id.
But on the Laravel side, nothing changed.
What should I do?
doesn't make any differences, so I commented the line.
What did I miss?
Okay, I found out what was wrong.
Basically, modifying those two things solved the problem.