
How to change the field name by using existing header row name of the table; Google BigQuery platform

enter image description heremy dataset are from google drive in csv format, already uploaded into BigQuery. (sandbox version)

and I found out that the existing header row are not detected automatically. also the table have null row as gap/space and table information note. the existing header row is still in the table but have misplaced at different row automatically.

then preview mode shows that they are using string_field_0, string_field_1, string_field_2, ... as field names.

my goal is how can I change the field name by using the existing header row of the table?

I have tried upload with tick / untick auto-detect box function during the uploading process. the result does not help.


  • yeahh, I already found out the way how to ensure the existing column header detected and being there as field name.

    acknowledge that this situation is table have null row before the header row. so we need to know at what row the header row is located.

    the solution is during upload process, the last one before hit button create. go to advanced option and enter number of row where the header row is located.

    then tadaa, the header row is used as field name.