We are loading code dynamically with concerns, based on some environment variables, which works pretty nice.
Something like this:
# User class
class User
include DynamicConcern
module DynamicConcern
extend ActiveSupport::Concern
included do
if "Custom::#{ENV["CUSTOMER_NAME"].camelize}::#{self.name}Concern".safe_constantize
include "Custom::#{ENV["CUSTOMER_NAME"].camelize}::#{self.name}Concern".constantize
# custom code
module Custom::Custom123::UserConcern
extend ActiveSupport::Concern
included do
We are using this since years and it worked absolutely fine in models. Some days ago we tried to use the same approach with Controllers, but realized that this approach doesn' t work fine with inheritance, where the parent class inherits the concern as well as the inherited class:
class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
# this gets loaded and includes the right dynamic module
include DynamicConcern
class ShopController < ApplicationController
# this is NOT getting loaded again and skipped,
# since it has been loaded already in the parent controller
include DynamicConcern
Is there a way to tell rails that it should include/evaluade the concern a second time, since the second time it would have another class name which would include another module?
I'm not looking for other solutions, since a lot of our code is based on this approach and I think it's possible to solve this without rewriting everything.
Actually it's a feature of Rails that the same module doesn't get loaded multiple times.
We started to use the normal ruby module inclution hooks and it worked fine!
module CustomConcern
def self.included(base)
custom_class_lookup_paths = [
].map{|class_string| class_string.safe_constantize }.compact
custom_class_lookup_paths.each do |class_string|
base.send :include, class_string