
How can I access LogStream of Managed Application App Service?

We have a managed application published in Microsoft Partner Center, for preview audience.

We have both publisher and client tenants. After installing the app into the client's tenant I can't access the log steam of the installed app from either publisher nor client tenants.

Adding Roles in Access Control IAM doesn't help.

When I'm trying to open Log Stream i can see only "connecting....".

If i turn on developer tools and open Network i see the "/api/logstream/" requests and "403 Forbidden" response. Adding a screenshot: screnshot.

How can i fix this? Any help would be much appreciated, thanks in advance.


  • Looks like it's some sort of a bug as LogStream doesn't work on web portal, however it works in the VisualStudio Code. Who might have thought, right ?

    First, you should install Azure Tools. Next step is to sign-in with your account.

    After that, you can open log stream:

    Subscription / AppServices / Your App / Logs / Connect To Log Stream