
Google Cloud : How to connect the google cloud storage to cloud CDN without making the bucket public?

I'm configuring Google Cloud CDN with Google Cloud Storage following article :

In my experience for AWS, S3 Bucket can allow read permission only for its CDN (Cloudfront)

I wonder if GCP also has a similar feature,

Above article, I make 'allUsers' read the bucket, but I don't want to give the read permission for all users but only for Cloud CDN.

I've checked IAM documents but couldn't find.

Please help me

Cloud Storage Bucket allow the read permission only for Cloud CDN, not all users. I don't want to make my bucket public.


  • The reason I ask if you consider accessing with IP address because Ive checked this link wherein you can limit an access by using the IP address.

    Another link that I can share is signed URL, however based from the link “signed URLs give time-limited resource access to anyone in possession of the URL” and “signed URL is a URL that provides limited permission and time to make a request” I believed this one is time limited.

    One thing that I can also think of is to use IAM with buckets wherein you can set permission you want to a certain user. For more information and configuration of this feature you also visit this site