I am using RESTEasy Reactive with a MongoDB / Panache and I am trying to understand what the point of the .stream() methods (when using REST).
In several examples (quarkus docs, video, medium article, etc.) a Multi is used as a return value for a GET Request. How does this make sense, since the HTTP call is a one-shot call?
I tried to delay each item of the Multi stream, but as I expected I only get the response after the 5 seconds are over:
public Multi<Integer> streamTest() {
return Multi.createFrom()
.items(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
.onItem().call(i -> {
Duration delay = Duration.ofSeconds(1);
return Uni.createFrom().nullItem().onItem().delayIt().by(delay);
What am I missing? 🤔
I've tested your code with one of the quickstarts and I think the reason you don't see it as a stream is because of the header and the client you are using to read the response.
It works fine for me when I open it in Firefox, but not when I read it in the terminal with Httpie.
If you change the code and add an empty @Produces
annotation on top of it, it should work as expected with all clients because the response header now will be text/event-stream
@Produces(MediaType.SERVER_SENT_EVENTS) // or just @Produces
public Multi<Integer> getStream() {
return Multi.createFrom()
.items( 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 )
.onItem().call( i -> {
Duration delay = Duration.ofSeconds( 2 );
return Uni.createFrom().nullItem().onItem().delayIt().by( delay );
} );
So, it's really about making sure that the response uses the right header for your use case.
That said, everything else you say makes sense. At the moment, running a query on the database doesn't return a stream and therefore returning a Multi is usually not helpful. That's why the API in Panache and Hibernate Reactive for queries return a Uni.
One use case I can think of for Multi is when you have a message driven application. In this case you might want to update a web page or some other component as soon as a message is received on a channel. There is an example of this in the guide that uses Quarkus and Kafka.
There are also a couple of guides with an introduction to Mutiny and how you can use it for Flow control and backpressure