
How to get total billed cost from a google ads account using a script?

Does anybody have some sample code that shows how to get the daily, total billed cost (across all campaigns) of a google ads account?

I have been looking for a sample for a while but could not find where you can get the total cost/billed cost for the day (or for a certain period of time).

I am doing this in Js but a sample in any language is okay. I would like to send this data to an airtable base, so if you have any suggestions on how that can be done too, that would be great!

Thanks in advance!


  • if anyone is looking for a similar solution, found one that works. It gets the total billed cost between the START_DATE and END_DATE which you can specify based on your needs. hope this helps!

    function main() {
      const campaign = getCampaign(CAMPAIGN_NAME);
      const costSoFar = campaign.getStatsFor(
            getDateStringInTimeZone('yyyyMMdd', START_DATE),
            getDateStringInTimeZone('yyyyMMdd', END_DATE)).getCost();
      Logger.log('cost so far: %d', costSoFar)
    function getCampaign(campaignName) {
        const selectors = [AdsApp.campaigns(), AdsApp.videoCampaigns(),
        for (const selector of selectors) {
          const campaignIter = selector
              .withCondition(`CampaignName = "${campaignName}"`)
          if (campaignIter.hasNext()) {
        throw new Error(`Could not find specified campaign: ${campaignName}`);