how to redirect user to specific custom login page using OIDC Provider interactions
I am trying to implement oidc provider application. It working with the default autorisation Endpoint(login page) I first redirect to : http://localhost:8003/auth?client_id=oidcCLIENT&scope=openid&response_type=code&redirect_uri=http%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A8080%2Flogin%2Fcallback&state=BuAAA9hAF0IMTKpJQH51h9ueu8StadrmeNS9-cm_w3Q&code_challenge=mjEOrgT5j4CvQHd8ZJlmw7kh9COUpnxzgbLsBsPbIMA&code_challenge_method=S256
and after redirect to http://localhost:8003/interaction/4CvQHd8ZJlmw7kh9CO. Now I want to redirect user on a spécifique custom login page like http://localhost:8003/urlto/custom/autorisation_endpoin
please I need a help.
my configuration
the following detail are my step to solve this problem
I create a new express project
I configure the created project
I follow oidc provider using exemple
Now I have full access to oidc provider implementation