is a worksheet's name,the command works fine:
oCell.Formula = "=LOOKUP(A2;$'rule'.$A$2:$A$9;$'rule'.$B$2:$B$9)"
I want to make the first A2 in LOOKUP with a variable:
for id=2 to NumRows
oCell = Sheet.getCellrangeByName("B"&id)
arg = "A"&id
oCell.Formula = "=LOOKUP(arg;$'rule'.$A$2:$A$9;$'rule'.$B$2:$B$9)"
next id
The arg will not assign its value into LOOKUP ,how to fix it?
oCell.Formula = "=LOOKUP(arg;$'rule'.$A$2:$A$9;$'rule'.$B$2:$B$9)"
Use quoting syntax similar to the line where you defined arg
id = 2
MsgBox("=LOOKUP(A" & id & ";$'rule'.$A$2:$A$9;$'rule'.$B$2:$B$9)")