
How to download data with minio uri

When I run simple kubeflow pipeline on minikube like first pod's output is second pod's input, data seems to be saved in minio. But I did not intend to use it. So to check the output data in minino, I got access to http://localhost:9000/ . Then I reached to login page.

When I run kubectl get secrets to find secret information, I could not find any minio secrets. Also minioadmin and minioadmin for Access Key and Secret Key did not work. How can I fetch data from minio uri?

I define the pipeline like this;

import kfp
import kfp.components as comp
from kfp.components import load_component_from_file
example_component1_op = load_component_from_file("./pipelines/components/example_component1/example_component1.yaml")
example_component2_op = load_component_from_file("./pipelines/components/example_component2/example_component2.yaml")

def example_pipeline():
    example_component1_task = example_component1_op(
    example_component2_task = example_component2_op(

enter image description here

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enter image description here


  • I found the Access Key and the Secret Key.
