
How to access the Internet from an AWS App Runner service that is added to a VPC?

The question is the same as this one but has screenshots of AWS resources' configurations.





I've tried also putting a NAT gateway in place of the Internet gateway and set up the route table accordingly. But the behaviour was the same. Screenshots below are without the NAT gateway configuration.


VPC Connector configuration on App Runner service

enter image description here

Security group outbound rule allowing all traffic

enter image description here

Route table routing outbound traffic to internet gateway

enter image description here

Route table association with all subnets (non-explicit. Default, didn't change)

enter image description here

How I know that my service has no outbound Internet access:

So, what is wrong in my configuration above/How can I give outbound Internet access to the service?
And btw, I can access the service itself (i.e., inbound traffic) through the domain generated by App Runner.

A related discussion:


  • According to the official App Runner documentation, you must use a NAT Gateway to provide Internet access to App Runner applications running in a VPC.

    You mentioned you already tried to use a NAT Gateway in your question, but I think you configured it incorrectly. Please bear in mind the following: