
How to sort a doubly linked list with the nodes instead of the node's values

I am trying to sort a doubly linked list with the nodes for an assignment because thats what the spec wants me to do. I thought to basically make a new list with the sorted and then assign the head and tail

The two .h files of my program:

#ifndef SN_H
#define SN_H

#include <string>
#include <sstream>

//SortNode class implementation here
template <class T>
class SortNode
        T value;
        SortNode<T> * next;
        SortNode<T> * prev;
        std :: string print();
        T getValue();

#include "SortNode.cpp"


#ifndef DLL_H
#define DLL_H

#include "SortNode.h"

template <class T>
class SortList 
        bool ascending;
        SortNode<T> * head;
        SortNode<T> * tail;

        void add(SortNode<T>* a) ;
        SortNode<T>* remove(T val);  
        void setAsc(bool a);
        void sort() ;
        string print() ;
        SortNode<T>*getHead() ;
        string debug() ;


#include "SortList.cpp"


I have tried to sort it like i described but then it gets stuck in a loop and don't have an idea how to do this.

This is the sort function that gives me problems.

template <class T>
void SortList<T> :: sort()

cout<<"above if "<<endl;
    if (ascending == true)
        SortNode<T> * node = head, *ptr = NULL ,*sortedh = NULL, *sortedt = NULL, *newnode = NULL;
        while (node != NULL)
            newnode = node;
            if (!sortedh)
                sortedh = node;
                sortedt = node;
                ptr = head;

                while (ptr!= NULL && ptr -> getValue() < newnode -> getValue())
                    ptr = ptr -> next;

                if (!ptr)
                    sortedt -> next = newnode;
                    newnode ->prev = sortedt;
                    sortedt = newnode;

                    if (ptr ->prev == NULL)
                        newnode -> next = ptr;
                        ptr -> prev =newnode;
                        sortedh = newnode;
                        ptr -> prev -> next = newnode;
                        newnode -> prev =ptr -> prev;
                        newnode -> next =ptr;
                        ptr -> prev = newnode;

            node = node -> next;



Any help will be appreciated.


  • The code has bugs.

    For example in this code snippet there are even two bugs.

            if (!sortedh)
                sortedh = node;
                sortedt = node;
                ptr = head;

    Instead you need to write

            if (!sortedh)
                sortedh = node;
                sortedt = node;
                node->next = nullptr;
                ptr = sortedh;

    Or in this if statement

    if (!ptr)
        sortedt -> next = newnode;
        newnode ->prev = sortedt;
        sortedt = newnode;

    you forgot to set the data member next of the node pointed to by the pointer newnode like

    if (!ptr)
        sortedt -> next = newnode;
        newnode ->prev = sortedt;
        newnode->next = nullptr; 
        sortedt = newnode;

    Or in this if statement

    if (ptr ->prev == NULL)
        newnode -> next = ptr;
        ptr -> prev =newnode;
        sortedh = newnode;

    you forgot to set the data member prev of the node pointed to by the pointer newnode as for example

    newnode -> next = ptr;
    newnode->prev = ptr->prev; or newnode->prev = nullptr;

    And there is one more problem. The data member next of the node pointed to by the pointer node can be changed. So this statement

    node = node -> next;

    can result in that the pointer node can point to an already processed node.

    Also the function does not set the pointers head and tail.

    Here is a demonstration program that shows how the function that implements the insertion sort method can be defined. To simplify writing the program I have made some minor changes in the class definitions.

    #include <iostream>
    #include <cstdlib>
    #include <ctime>
    //SortNode class implementation here
    template <class T>
    class SortNode
        T value;
        SortNode *prev;
        SortNode *next;
        SortNode( const T &value, SortNode *prev = nullptr, SortNode *next = nullptr )
            this->value = value;
            this->prev  = prev;
            this->next  = next;
        const T & getValue() const
            return value;
        T & getValue()
            return value;
    template <class T>
    class SortList
        bool ascending = true;
        SortNode<T> *head = nullptr;
        SortNode<T> *tail = nullptr;
        SortList() = default;
        void add( const T &value )
            SortNode<T> *new_node = new SortNode<T>{ value, tail, nullptr };
            if (!head)
                head = new_node;
                tail->next = new_node;
            tail = new_node;
        SortNode<T> *remove( T val );
        void setAsc( bool a );
        void sort();
        std::ostream &print( std::ostream &os = std::cout ) const
            for (SortNode<T> *current = head; current != nullptr; current = current->next)
                os << current->getValue() << " -> ";
            return os << "null";
        SortNode<T> *getHead();
    template <class T>
    void SortList<T> ::sort()
        if (ascending)
            SortNode<T> *node = head, *sortedh = nullptr, *sortedt = nullptr;
            while (node != NULL)
                SortNode<T> *newnode = node;
                SortNode<T> *next = node->next;
                if (!sortedh)
                    sortedh = node;
                    sortedt = node;
                    node->next = nullptr;
                    SortNode<T> *ptr = sortedh;
                    while (ptr != NULL && !( newnode->getValue() < ptr->getValue() ) )
                        ptr = ptr->next;
                    if (!ptr)
                        sortedt->next = newnode;
                        newnode->prev = sortedt;
                        newnode->next = nullptr;
                        sortedt = newnode;
                        if (ptr->prev == NULL)
                            newnode->next = ptr;
                            newnode->prev = nullptr;
                            ptr->prev = newnode;
                            sortedh = newnode;
                            ptr->prev->next = newnode;
                            newnode->prev = ptr->prev;
                            newnode->next = ptr;
                            ptr->prev = newnode;
                node = next;
            head = sortedh;
            tail = sortedt;
    int main()
        SortList<int> list;
        const int N = 20;
        srand( ( unsigned int )time( nullptr ) );
        for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
            list.add( rand() % N );
        list.print() << '\n';
        list.print() << '\n';

    The program output might look like

    17 -> 12 -> 0 -> 12 -> 8 -> 8 -> 8 -> 13 -> 4 -> 7 -> 8 -> 11 -> 7 -> 8 -> 18 -> 4 -> 16 -> 18 -> 18 -> 3 -> null
    0 -> 3 -> 4 -> 4 -> 7 -> 7 -> 8 -> 8 -> 8 -> 8 -> 8 -> 11 -> 12 -> 12 -> 13 -> 16 -> 17 -> 18 -> 18 -> 18 -> null