After obtaining the cross section of a 3D object having sphere holes inside it as shown in the picture below, I couldn't find a way to save it as either numpy array or any image format. I used the Trimesh code below to take the section:
slice = tm_build.section(plane_origin=tm_build.centroid,
slice_2D, to_3D = slice.to_planar()
The following code snippet allows you to save your section as a png image file.
import io
import trimesh
import PIL.Image as Image
mesh_path = r"path\to\mesh"
mesh = trimesh.load_mesh(mesh_path, process=False, maintain_order=True)
section = mesh.section(plane_origin=[0, 0, 0], plane_normal=[0, 0, 1])
section_2d, _ = section.to_planar()
scene = section_2d.scene()
bytes_ = scene.save_image()
image ="path\image.png")