I'm fairly new to maplibre/mapbox. I've about 40,000 polygons in my PostGIS database. That's just too much data to load it all at once into the maplibre map as a geojson source when the webapp starts. Thus I implemented a simple rest server which returns the polygons compiled into X/Y/Z MVT Vector tiles, so I can use it as a "vector" source in my maplibre style file. This works fine, polygons start showing up at zoom-level 10.
The question is... for the sake of performance and server load I would like to reduce the amount of tile requests. At the moment when I change the zoom level from 10 to 11, maplibre requests new tiles, which actually isn't necessary, as all needed data already was included in the tile it got for zoom-level 10. Is there a way to tell maplibre to request tiles not for the current zoom-level, but for the higher zoom level instead? e.g. instead of requesting 1/1/12, request 1/1/10.
In other words, I would like to tell maplibre to always use the data from the z10 tile, even for greater zoom levels. And to load the z10 tile if it hasn't been loaded yet.
I may be misinterpreting your question, but yes, you can tell the client library to never request tiles above zoom 10, and always to overzoom them, by setting maxzoom
on your source:
map.addSource('polys', { type: 'vector', /*...*/, maxzoom: 10 });