
How do i avoid getting a list inside of a list

I am making a blackjack simulator with python and are having problems with when the player want another card. To begin with the player gets a random sample of two numbers from a list and then get the option to take another card or not to. When the answer is yes another card is added to the random sample but it gets added as a list inside of the list.

This is is the line when the answer is yes to another card.

if svar == "JA":

This returns, [5, 10, [13]] and it is this list inside of the list i want to get rid of so i can sum the numbers, any suggestions on how i can get rid of this?


  • random.sample(kortlek,1)

    random.sample returns a list, so you end up appending a list to handspelare (which creates the sublists).

    You could change append to extend, but random.sample(..., 1) is just random.choice, so it makes more sense to use handspelare.append(random.choice(kortlek)).