I'm given a function with an asynchronous callback like
let readFile: (path: string, callback: (line: string, eof: boolean) => void) => void
Though I would prefer a function using AsyncIterable/AsyncGenerator signature instead:
let readFileV2: (path: string) => AsyncIterable<string>
Without readFileV2
, I have to read a file like
let file = await new Promise((res, err) => {
let file = ''
readFile('./myfile.txt', (line, eof) => {
if (eof) { return res(file) }
file += line + '\n'
.. while readFileV2
allows me to do it cleaner like
let file = '';
for await (let line of readFileV2('./myfile.txt')) {
file += line + '\n'
Is there a way for me to transform readFile
into readFileV2
Updated for clarification:
Is there a general approach to transform a function with an async callback argument to an AsyncGenerator/AsyncIterable variant?
And can this approach be demonstrated on the readFile
function above?
I see two related questions here:
However, they don't seem to provide a clear answer.
Disclaimer at the outset: I am answering the following question:
Given a data providing function
of a form like(...args: A, callback: (data: T, done: boolean) => void) => void
for some list of initial argument typesA
and data typeT
, how can we transform this functiontransform(fn)
to produce a new function of the form(...args: A) => AsyncIterable<T>
It is quite possible that this isn't the right thing to be doing in general, since consumers of AsyncIterable<T>
may process data slowly or abort early, and a function of type (...args: [...A, (data: T, done: boolean) => void]) => void
can't possibly react to that; it will call callback
once per piece of data, whenever it wants, and it will not stop until it feels like it.
Still, here is one possible implementation:
const transform = <A extends any[], T>(
fn: (...args: [...args: A, callback: (val: T, done: boolean) => void]) => void
) => (...args: A): AsyncIterable<T> => {
let values: Promise<[T, boolean]>[] = [];
let resolve: (x: [T, boolean]) => void;
values.push(new Promise(r => { resolve = r; }));
fn(...args, (val: T, done: boolean) => {
resolve([val, done]);
values.push(new Promise(r => { resolve = r; }));
return async function* () {
let val: T;
for (let i = 0, done = false; !done; i++) {
[val, done] = await values[i];
delete values[i];
yield val;
Essentially we provide a queue of data values, values
, which gets written to inside the callback passed to fn
, and which gets read from inside a generator function. This is accomplished by a chain of promises; the first promise is created manually, and each time data is available, it resolves the current promise and pushes new values with a new promise onto the queue. The generator function awaits these promises, pulls data off the queue, and removes the consumed data.
To test it, someone needs to provide fn
. Here's one possibility:
function sleep(ms: number) {
return new Promise<void>(r => setTimeout(r, ms));
const provideData = async (name: string, callback: (line: string, eof: boolean) => void) => {
const contents = [
"This is line 1 of " + name, "and this is line 2",
"and line 3", "and 4", "5",
"and that's the end of " + name + "."
for (const [line, eof] of contents.map((l, i, a) => [l, i >= a.length - 1] as const)) {
await sleep(1000); // I guess it takes a second to read each line
callback(line, eof);
The provideData
function accepts a callback and calls it once per second with successive lines of an array. And now we transform it:
const provideDataV2 = transform(provideData);
// let provideDataV2: (name: string) => AsyncIterable<string>
And let's test the transformer:
async function foo() {
console.log(new Date().toLocaleTimeString(), "starting")
const iter = provideDataV2("my data");
await sleep(2500); // not ready to read yet, I guess
for await (let line of iter) {
console.log(new Date().toLocaleTimeString(), line)
console.log(new Date().toLocaleTimeString(), "done")
[LOG]: "2:48:36 PM", "starting"
[LOG]: "2:48:37 PM", "This is line 1 of my data"
[LOG]: "2:48:38 PM", "and this is line 2"
[LOG]: "2:48:39 PM", "and line 3"
[LOG]: "2:48:40 PM", "and 4"
[LOG]: "2:48:41 PM", "5"
[LOG]: "2:48:42 PM", "and that's the end of my data."
[LOG]: "2:48:42 PM", "done"
Looks good.
Is it perfect? Does it have weird side effects in response to weird situations (e.g., are you going to iterate it multiple times)? Should it handle errors in a particular way? Are there recommended solutions elsewhere? Not sure. This is just a possible implementation of transform
that adheres to the contract laid out in the question as asked.