
getting the label and description of wikidata item as well as specified properties labels and description

i am relatively new to sparql and i need to get the label/title of the wikidata item as well as other specified properties' label and description.

my code gives me only the properties' label and description but i cannot get the label/title and description of the wikidata item(qid). the label/title of the wikidata item(qid) - Building at Rua Esteves Junior, 26 and description of the wikidata item(qid) - historical site registered by State Institute of Cultural Heritage of Rio de Janeiro in the city of Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

my code:

SELECT ?locationDescription ?locationLabel ?streetLabel ?descriptionLabel ?countryLabel ?heritageLabel WHERE {
    wd:Q69363514 wdt:P131 ?location.
    wd:Q69363514 wdt:P6375 ?street.
    wd:Q69363514 wdt:P973 ?description.
    wd:Q69363514 wdt:P17 ?country.
    wd:Q69363514 wdt:P1435 ?heritage.
       SERVICE wikibase:label {
         bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en" .


  • You could use VALUES:

      ?item ?itemLabel ?itemDescription 
      ?locationDescription ?locationLabel 
    WHERE {
      VALUES ?item { wd:Q69363514 }
      ?item wdt:P131 ?location ;
            wdt:P6375 ?street ;
            wdt:P973 ?description ;
            wdt:P17 ?country ;
            wdt:P1435 ?heritage .
      SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en" . }

    This would also allow you to query multiple items at once:

    VALUES ?item { wd:Q69363514 wd:… wd:… }