I tried using this Changelog Generator in my stages and it results in an error as depicted:
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
- name: capture changelog
id: changelog
uses: metcalfc/changelog-generator@v4.0.1
myToken: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
The error that I get:
2022-11-01T09:53:03.6356312Z ##[group]Run metcalfc/changelog-generator@v4.0.1
2022-11-01T09:53:03.6356660Z with:
2022-11-01T09:53:03.6357261Z myToken: ***
2022-11-01T09:53:03.6357690Z reverse: false
2022-11-01T09:53:03.6357927Z env:
2022-11-01T09:53:03.6358346Z GITHUB_TOKEN: ***
2022-11-01T09:53:03.6358655Z ##[endgroup]
2022-11-01T09:53:04.4276769Z ##[error]Not Found
Is there anything that I'm missing?
You can take a look at the repository and there you can find a nice description why this error occurred: