I'm not getting the expected output when trying to sort the output from winget list
in powershell. The Id
column is not sorted.
# winget list | Sort-Object -Property Id
ScreenToGif NickeManarin.ScreenToGif 2.37.1 winget
Microsoft Visual C++ 2015-2019 Redist… Microsoft.VCRedist.2015+.x64 14.28.29325.2 14.34.318… winget
paint.net {28718A56-50EF-4867-B4C8-0860228B5EC9} 4.3.8
Python 3.10.0 (64-bit) {21b42743-c8f9-49d7-b8b6-b5855317c7ed}
Microsoft Support and Recovery Assist… 0527a644a4ddd31d 17.0.7018.4
Name Id Version Available Source
Paint 3D Microsoft.MSPaint_8wekyb3d8bbwe 6.2009.30067.0
Microsoft .NET SDK 6.0.402 (x64) Microsoft.DotNet.SDK.6 6.0.402 winget
3D Viewer Microsoft.Microsoft3DViewer_8wekyb3d8… 7.2010.15012.0
Microsoft Sticky Notes Microsoft.MicrosoftStickyNotes_8wekyb…
Q: How can I sort the output of winget list
by the Id
column in powershell?
I would like to see a powershell solution similar to the Bash sort -k <column-number>
, to sort on any column. I fail to see why this obvious function is not available in powershell?
It outputs text, not an object with properties like "Id". This program's output isn't very smart. It looks like it outputs some special characters as well like …
(U+2026 HORIZONTAL ELLIPSIS). The first thing that occurs to me is to cut off the first 39 characters and then sort it by column 40 onward, where Id starts. That should be like sort -k in unix. I believe a powershell version of winget is coming in the future. Replacing non-ascii with spaces and skipping the first 4 lines.
# or -creplace '\P{IsBasicLatin}'
(winget list) -replace '[^ -~]',' ' | select-object -skip 4 |
sort-object { $_.substring(39) }
Python 3.10.0 (64-bit) {21b42743-c8f9-49d7-b8b6-b5855317c7ed}
paint.net {28718A56-50EF-4867-B4C8-0860228B5EC9} 4.3.8
Microsoft Support and Recovery Assist 0527a644a4ddd31d 17.0.7018.4
Name Id Version Available Source
ScreenToGif NickeManarin.ScreenToGif 2.37.1 winget
Microsoft .NET SDK 6.0.402 (x64) Microsoft.DotNet.SDK.6 6.0.402 winget
3D Viewer Microsoft.Microsoft3DViewer_8wekyb3d8 7.2010.15012.0
Microsoft Sticky Notes Microsoft.MicrosoftStickyNotes_8wekyb
Paint 3D Microsoft.MSPaint_8wekyb3d8bbwe 6.2009.30067.0
Microsoft Visual C++ 2015-2019 Redist Microsoft.VCRedist.2015+.x64 14.28.29325.2 14.34.318 winget
Trying out the Cobalt module that uses Crescendo to parse Winget. There's no name property, and version is just a string (apparently these things are more of a challenge). There's a lot of guid's at the top.
install-module cobalt -scope currentuser
get-wingetpackage | sort id
ID Version Available Source
-- ------- --------- ------
{04F3299A-F322-45A6-8281-046777B9C736} 21.0.3
{0E8670B8-3965-4930-ADA6-570348B67153} 11.0.2100.60
{0EDB70B6-EEA7-413B-BBC4-89E2CD36EFDE} 11.5.18
7zip.7zip 21.07 22.01 winget
Acrylic Suite
Acrylic Wi-Fi Home