
How can I retrieve the home directory/profile path of a different local user with Windows Powershell

Rather than looking for "$env:HOMEDIR", I'm looking for a way to query the home directory of a different user account. The powershell equivalent of "~bob".

I attempted using [ADSI]:

# After creating a local account called 'other.user'
PS> $user = [ADSI]'WinNT://localhost/other.user,user'
PS> $
PS> $user.HomeDirectory


even when executed from the Administrator account in an elevated powershell.

For sanity, I tried doing the same check on the existing user:

PS> $user = [ADSI]('WinNT://localhost/{0},user' -f [Environment]::UserName)
PS> $
this.user    # paraphrase
PS> $user.HomeDirectory

PS> $



  • You can combine Get-CimInstance with Get-LocalUser:

    $userName = 'other.user'
      Get-CimInstance Win32_UserProfile -Filter "SID = '$((Get-LocalUser $userName).Sid)'"

    This outputs the path of the targeted user's profile directory, such as C:\Users\other.user.

    Note: The profile directory is typically, but not necessarily the same as a user's home directory - the latter can be configured to point elsewhere, such as to a network share, and is reflected in a pair of environment variables for the current user, HOMEDRIVE and HOMEPATH.

    To get the true home directory:

    As for what you tried:

    The relevant properties of the System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry (whose type accelerator is [adsi]) instance should be .Profile and .HomeDirDrive / .HomeDirectory, but at least on my Windows 10 machine they aren't populated; e.g.:

    PS> ([adsi] 'WinNT://localhost/jdoe,user') | Format-List *
    # ...
    HomeDirectory              : {}
    # ...
    Profile                    : {}
    HomeDirDrive               : {}
    # ...

    [1] Beware that something like runas.exe /profile /user:$userName cmd /c echo %HOMEDRIVE%HOMEPATH% in effect reports %HOMEDRIVE% as C: and %HOMEPATH% as \Windows\System32(!), based on the behavior of CreateProcessWithLogon(), which - strangely - sets these variables to the working directory of the launched process, which defaults to C:\Windows\System32.