I have a Pandas DataFrame whose rows and columns are a DatetimeIndex.
import pandas as pd
data = pd.DataFrame(
"PERIOD_END_DATE": pd.date_range(start="2018-01", end="2018-04", freq="M"),
"first": list("abc"),
"second": list("efg")
data.columns = pd.date_range(start="2018-01", end="2018-03", freq="M")
Unfortunately, I am getting a variety of errors when I try to pull out a value:
data['2018-01', '2018-02'] # InvalidIndexError: ('2018-01', '2018-02')
data['2018-01', ['2018-02']] # InvalidIndexError: ('2018-01', ['2018-02'])
data.loc['2018-01', '2018-02'] # TypeError: only integer scalar arrays can be converted to a scalar index
data.loc['2018-01', ['2018-02']] # KeyError: "None of [Index(['2018-02'], dtype='object')] are in the [columns]"
How do I extract a value from a DataFrame that uses a DatetimeIndex?
There are 2 issues:
a) data.loc[rows_index_name, [column__index_name]]
b) data.loc[rows_index_name, column__index_name]
depending on the type of output you desire.
Notation A will return a series value, while notation (b) returns a string value.
As such, your issue will be resolved with:
data.loc['2018-01-31',['2018-01-31']] or data.loc['2018-01-31','2018-01-31']