I am finding a solution to create a unique string to create a file name. I realized that the ObjectId()
has an id.$oid
that is a unique string. But I am not sure. Is it work success full with this?
example code:
List<FileObject> generateFileName(List<FileObject> files) {
return files.map((e) => e..updateName(ObjectId().$oid)).toList();
class FileObject {
FileObject({this.name, this.path, this.url, this.type});
String? name;
String? path;
String? url;
String? type;
void updateName(String? name) => this.name = name;
working perfectly?An ObjectId
should be unique as it is a 12-byte BSON type hexadecimal string that includes randomization based on the time its created.
Source/reference: https://www.knowledgehut.com/blog/web-development/objectid-in-mongodb