
Convince Python-CFFI to find shared lib

I have a somewhat strange setup: I have a I cannot modify, but, since the interface is rather convoluted, I wrote a simple wrapper directly into ffbuilder.set_source()

My full is:

import os
from cffi import FFI
ffibuilder = FFI()

int start(int port);
int ready(void);
int publish(char *buf, int len);
int stop(void);

ffibuilder.set_source('_mylib_cffi', """
#include "mylib.h"

static uint32_t handle = 0xffffffff;
int start(int port) {
    mylib_register_publisher("", port, &handle, 0);
    return 1;
int ready(void) {
    return handle != 0xffffffff;
int publish(char *buf, int len) {
    return mylib_publish(handle, buf, len);
int stop(void) {
    return 1;
""", libraries=['mylib'], library_dirs=[os.path.dirname(__file__)])

if __name__ == '__main__':

This works as expected but my test code:

import _mylib_cffi

bombs because is not found (it is in current directory, exactly where generated is located).

I can make it work either moving to /usr/lib (or other directory in the system lib search path) or adding current directory to LD_LIBRARY_PATH.

Both solutions are not particularly appealing to me because I don't want to pollute system settings with needs of a single program.

Is there some way to dynamically load needed lib from within Python?

Note: I'm trying to learn Python-CFFI, so any advice is welcome.


  • At least with GCC on Linux, you can avoid the LD_LIBRARY_PATH hack (described in your own answer to the question) with the linker's -rpath option. I think what you need is:

    ffibuilder.set_source(..., extra_link_args=['-Wl,-rpath=$ORIGIN'])

    I didn't test it, but I think this should make CFFI produce the glue .so in such a way that this .so should look for in the same directory as where it is.

    On Windows, I think nothing is needed: a DLL always (by default) tries to look for other DLLs it depends on in the same directory.