I am pulling some data through tidycensus from the ACS. When I do this, I get two columns for all the variables I included. Since my final dataset has a lot of variables, is it possible to turn off the pull of the MOE. Failing that, can I delete all columns ending with M, and remove the E at the end of the estimate columns?
dv_acs = c(
var1 = "B25002_001",
var2 = "B25002_002",
var3 = "C24010_039"
acs_vars <- get_acs(
geography = "tract",
state = "MD",
variables = dv_acs ,
year = 2009,
output = "wide",
geometry = FALSE
I don't know how to use tidycensus ... but can answer the second part of your question. You can certainly delete and rename the columns with standard tidyverse functions.
df <- tibble(
column1M = rnorm(10),
column1E = rnorm(10),
column2M = rnorm(10),
column2E = rnorm(10)
df %>% select(-ends_with("M")) %>%
rename_with(~str_remove(.x, "E$"))