
Specify item metadata weight in Amazon Personalize

Is there any way to specify item metadata weight in AWS Personalize in the following scenarios:

Scenario 1: Weight of multiple metadata

A video might have multiple metadata like GENRES, THEME, etc. with different weights. But we might want a model that will recommend similar videos prioritising one metadata (for example: GENRES) more than another (for example: THEME). Is there any way to pass this information to the model?

Scenario 2: Weight of multiple categories in same metadata

A video might have multiple categories with different weights in the same metadata. For example: a video might be in both action and adventure category for GENRES metadata:

GENRES: Action|Adventure

But the video belongs to action category more than adventure category. Is there any way to pass this information to the model?

Scenario 3: Weight of multiple hierarchical categories in same metadata

A video might have multiple hierarchical categories with different weights in the same metadata. For example: a video might be in both action > crime > biopic hierarchy and adventure > western > biopic hierarchy for GENRES metadata:

GENRES: Action|Adventure 
GENRE_L2: Crime|Western 
GENRE_L3: biopic

But the video belongs to action > crime > biopic hierarchy more than adventure > western > biopic hierarchy, is there any way to pass this information to the model?


  • Specifying a weight for a particular metadata field (scenario 1) or a metadata field value(s) (scenario 2 & 3) is currently not supported by Personalize. Behavioral data (interactions) is the most impactful data across all Personalize recipes.

    Some of the techniques that are available for introducing weight or additional objectives to ranking items include the optimization objective, exploration weight (item cold start), and promotional filters.