
What determines how strings are encoded in memory?

Say we have a file that is Latin-1 encoded and that we use a text editor to read in that file into memory. My questions are then:

As a follow-up question:


  • Operating system

    Programming language

    Depends on their age or on their compiler: while languages themselves are not necessarily bound to an OS the compiler which produces the binaries might treat things differently as per OS.


    Depends on the platform/OS. While the in-memory consumption of text is strongly influenced by the programming language compiler and the data types used there, using libraries (which could have been produced by entirely other compilers and programming languages) can mix this.

    Strictly speaking the binary file format also has its strict encodings: on Windows the PE (used in EXE, DLL, etc.) has resource Strings in 16 bit characters again. So while f.e. the Free Pascal Compiler can (as per language) make heavy use of UTF-8 it will still build an EXE file with UTF-16 metadata in it.

    Programs that deal with text (such as editors) will most likely hold any encoding "as is" in memory for the sake of performance, surely with compromises such as temporarily duplicating parts into Strings of 32 bit per character, just to quickly search through it, let alone supporting Unicode normalization.


    The most common approach is to use a common denominator: